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Boreal peatlands and crystalline rivers will be our playgrounds when the annual meeting of the Dragonfly Society of the Americas convenes in Orono, Maine, from June 24-27, 2010.

Orono is 11 miles from Bangor International Airport in Bangor, Maine, and 130 miles from the Portland International Jetport in Portland, Maine.

The gathering and its pre- and post-meeting outings will feature among the following potential highlights:

- Six species of Ophiogomphus (Snaketails), including O. anomalus (Extra-striped Snaketail) and O. howei (Pygmy Snaketail)

- Three species of Neurocordulia, including N. michaeli (Broad-tailed Shadowdragon)

- Eight or more species of Somatochlora (Striped Emeralds), including S. franklini (Delicate Emerald), S. kennedyi (Kennedy’s Emerald), S. minor (Ocellated Emerald) and S. brevicincta (Quebec Emerald)

- Coenagrion interrogatum (Subarctic Bluet), Enallagma laterale (New England Bluet), Enallagma minusculum (Little Bluet), Nehalennia gracilis (Sphagnum Sprite), among many others.

Other Meeting Details:


Photos © Bryan Pfeiffer / Wings Photography | Banner image © Ed Lam