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Wings Services

Wings Environmental is your key to discovering nature on the wing. We offer a complete array of services for public and private landowners, community groups, watershed associations, municipalities, government agencies and non-governmental organizations. You can view a Wings Environmental Client List. Here's a list of Wings services:

  • Biological Inventories - Comprehensive property surveys for bird, butterfly and dragonfly diversity and abundance.
  • Guided Nature Outings - Easygoing, group nature walks on properties of all kinds.
  • Staff and Teacher Trainings - Field seminars on outdoor leadership, environmental education and nature appreciation for professionals working in natural resources.
  • Writing and Editing - Two decades of experience in essay-writing, annual reports, investigative journalism and project editing specializing in the natural sciences.
  • Nature Photography - Images available at www.WingsPhotography.com.
  • Armchair Nature Programs - Vivid Powerpoint programs covering birds, butterflies, dragonflies or general nature appreciation.


Wings Sample Client List

  • Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department (2007-2010) - State Wildlife Grant to inventory dragonflies and damselflies in peatlands and rivers.
  • Teal Farm (Spring-Summer 2006) - Bird and dragonfly inventory at innovative sustainability project in Huntington.
  • City of South Burlington, Vermont (June 2004) - Breeding bird inventory in the city's Southeastern Quadrant. View a copy of the final report (750K PDF file).
  • Vermont Butterfly Survey (2002 - present) - Consulting lepidopterist for this statewide survey of butterfly diversity and abundance.
  • Vermont Institute of Natural Science (2003-2004) - Organized Vermont's first comprehensive BioBlitz.
  • Town of Enosburg, Vermont (June 2003) - Informal breeding bird survey and guided bird walk on town-owned property.
  • Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (June 2002) - Field birdwatching mini-course for "Becoming an Outdoorswoman" program.
  • State of Vermont (June 2002) - Birdwatching seminars for staff of the Vermont Department of Social Welfare.
  • Fitch Pryne (June 2000 and June 2001) - Breeding bird inventory on timber company land in New York's Adirondack Mountains.

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