Resources: | Lodging | Camping | Species Lists | Species Maps |
Our primary lodging and meeting spot is the Black Bear Inn Conference Center & Suites in Orono. We have a block of rooms reserved at $69.95 per night plus tax for single or double occupancy. When you reserve your room, ask for the Dragonfly Society of the Americas rate. The hotel's phone number is .
Various other hotels and motels in the region are offering us discounted rates. Mention the Dragonfly Society of the Americas when you reserve your room.
Milford Motel On the River - A small, family-owned motel with various options, including suites with kitchens and multiple bedrooms at various reasonable rates ranging from $69 - $115 for a multi-room suite. Phone: or .
Comfort Inn Bagor - Ask for the DSA rate of $109.95 for single or double occupancy. Phone: .
University Inn Academic Suites in Orono - Call for the DSA rate of $99 for one or two people in a standard room, which has two double beds. The rate for a room with a king bed or a "mini-suite" is $109 for one or two people. Phone: .
Country Inns & Suites in Bangor - The DSA rate is $76.45 plus tax for single or double occupancy. Phone:
- Link View Motel - 377 Main Street, Orono -
Orono/Bangor Area for Main Meeting
Fryeburg/Bridgton Area for Pre-Meeting
Jackman Area - Post-Meeting
Species Lists
- Species List (1.5M PDF)
Here's a DRAFT species list contributed by Paul-Michael Brunelle. This list may be updated as necessary.
MDDS Final Report
This will open a new tab or window and take you to the Maine Damselfly and Dragonfly Survey page with the project's impressive final report. It's an 11M PDF file (but well worth the download time).
Species Maps
Here you'll find Google maps for some high-priority species during our meeting. Your best bet will be to view these maps now and use them to mark-up a Maine Gazetteer or other paper map you'll use during field trips. Or, at the very least, zoom on these maps and print them yourself.
While viewing a map, click on an icon to get more information about a given species, including latitude and longitude. This will also keep the site in view when you start zooming with the scale bar on the left. You can adjust the background map (street, terrain, topographic, satellite, etc.) at the upper right of each map. Note that our pre-, post- and main- meeting sites are designated with pink markers on each map.
The dataset for these maps comes courtesy of the Maine Dragonfly and Damselfly Survey, a project of the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife. And many thanks to Paul-Michael Brunelle for making this data available and useable.
Coenagrion interrogatum (Subarctic Bluet) and Enallagma laterale (New England Bluet)
Enallagma minusuculum (Little Bluet) and Enallagma pictum (Scartlet Bluet) (We're early for E. pictum.)
Aeshna sitchensis (Zigzag Darner) and A. subarctica (Subarctic Darner) (We're early for A. subarctica.)
Ophiogomphus anomalus (Extra-striped Snaketail) and Ophiogomphus colubrinus (Boreal Snaketail)
Ophiogomphus howei (Pygmy Snaketail)
Neurocordulia michaeli (Broad-tailed Shadowdragon) and Neurocordulia obsoleta (Umber Shadowdragon)
Somatochlora brevecincta (Quebec Emerald), S. cingulata (Lake Emerald), S. elongata (Ski-tipped Emerald)
Somatochlora franklini (Delicate Emerald), S. forcipata (Forcipate Emerald), S. kennedyi (Kennedy's Emerald)
Somatochlora incurvata (Incurvate Emerald) and S. minor (Ocellated Emerald)
Celithemis martha (Martha's Pennant) (We're early for its flight season)
Leucorrhinia patricia (Canada Whiteface)
Sympetrum danae (Black Meadowhawk)