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Post-Meeting Field Excusions

The base for post-meeting activities will be Jackman, Maine, which is 162 miles from Portland and 129 miles from Orono. Our habitat here is somewhat like that of Orono, but we will have chances for Coenagrion interrogatum (Subarctic Bluet) (for the ambitious among you), Ophiogomphus colubrinus (Boreal Snaketail), another shot at Somatochlora brevicincta (Quebec Emerald) and perhaps Leucorrhinia patricia (Canada Whiteface), among other boreal and peatland specialties. We will most likely head for Jackman either Sunday evening, June 27, or early Monday morning, June 28, and stay in the area for a few days.

Our primary base of operations will be the Hillcrest Motel (866-965-3713). Rates are $50 for one person, $70 for two, and $10 for each additional person. Secondary (more expensive lodging) is at Bishops Country Inn at a price of $84.95 per night plus tax for one or two people (888-991-7669).

We will soon have coordinators for you to contact for additional details about pre-meeting activities.

Here are pre-meeting details.



Photos © Bryan Pfeiffer / Wings Photography | Banner image © Ed Lam