Pre-Meeting Field Excusions
The base for pre-meeting activities will be Fryeburg, Maine, which is 50 miles west of Portland near the New Hampshire border. We’ll convene in Fryeburg on Monday evening, June 21 and depart for Orono on Thursday, June 24.
From Fryeburg we will seek coastal plain and others species we won’t (or may not) encounter in Orono, including: Enallagma laterale (New England Bluet), E. minusculum (Little Bluet), Ischnura hastata (Citrine Forktail), Nasiaeschna pentacantha (Cyrano Darner), Rhionaeschna mutata (Spatterdock Darner), Arigomphus villosipes (Unicorn Clubtail) A. furcifer (Lilypad Clubtail), Gomphus quadricolor (Rapids Clubtail), Lanthus vernalis (Southern Pygmy Clubtail) and Progomphus obscurus (Common Sandragon), among others.
Our primary lodging in Fryeburg is Punkin Valley Restaurant and Motel (207-647-2784). The room rate is $49.95 plus tax per night. Backup lodging includes Jockey Cap Motel and Grady's West Shore Motel in Bridgton.
We will soon have coordinators for you to contact for additional details about pre-meeting activities.
Here are post-meeting details.